
2023 International Breweries Nigeria Global Management Trainee Program for Nigerian graduates


2023 International Breweries Nigeria Global Management Trainee Program for Nigerian graduates

International Breweries can only grow at the pace of our talent. This program will prepare you for a fast-track career at AB InBev. It’s part of our drive to recruit, develop & retain people better than ourselves. The Global Management Trainee (GMT) Program fast-tracks the careers of the brightest, most driven graduates and nurtures their talent by giving relevant experiences right from the start.

Qualifications & experience:

  • By Program start, completed or in final year of a bachelor’s degree (STEM discipline preferred); and/or
  • Legal work authorization (full citizenship) in the country for which application is being submitted
  • Completed National Youth Service (applicable to Nigeria citizens)
  • Proficiency in English
  • Studying towards Post Grad (PGDip) Business Administration, Masters (or equivalent) degree will be advantageous
  • No more than 3 years TOTAL of full-time formal working experience by the Program start date. (Internship, vac work, short duration contracts and co-op experiences does not apply)
  • Full mobility. Go where the opportunity is. Mobility broadens potential opportunities – candidates should be open to working and living in various locations

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GMTs should expect the following during their first 12 months:

  • 3–4-month rotations, with each experience aligned to our three strategic pillars.
  • Formal mentoring & access to unique zone L&D curricula
  • Unique exposure opportunities with senior leaders
  • Career tracking by zone People Continuity and Talent Management teams
  • Ideally in Marketing, Sales or Tech, and Supply / Logistics Projects within these rotations that expand knowledge and work on actual business challenges in each of these core functions.
  • Cheers! Festival (Global Induction) where GMTs will hear about our company strategy firsthand from our most senior leaders, and network with peers.
  • Access to global GMT alumni database.
  • Potential for experiences in different locations across zone (mobility within zone required)
  • Placement in a front-line position upon completion of the program (openness to ambiguous career track)

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

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